Because you deserve time out, too!

Dependable and dedicated sitters for your little ones. We provide sitting that keeps your kids safe and entertained, giving you the break you need.
Become a member

So, How Does This Work?

Become a member

Your membership keeps our sitters tested, trained and available.

Book a time

Ready for a night out? Tell us when and where, and we’ll be there.

Match with a sitter

We hand select our sitters based on the needs of each of our members.


Your sitter will show up ready to take care of your little ones so you can take care of yourself!

Life happens.
We’re here when it does.

Date nights, appointments, lunch plans or just a quick break, our sitters have you covered. Give us your request. We can do the rest.

See more about our services

Available. Fun.

Our sitters are highly recommended and carefully curated to ensure the best care for your kiddos. They’ve passed all of our tests - including the fun test!

See more about our sitters

Whew! There's so many options, we could never cover them all. This is meant to help you get a ballpark, not an exact cost. Give us a call, and we'll get you the exact dollars. Chat soon!



child + guest(s) + + = $20 per hour x hours

Reserve Sitter Now!

I have kids that need to be watched on for hours. There will be guests, and

We trust our sitters with our lives.

From your kids to your home to your time away — this is your life we’re talking about. We take that very seriously. Here are a few ways we ensure our sitters are up to the task:


Every sitter is 18 or older with previous experience and a passion for childcare. They have reliable transportation and are skilled in handling even the most complicated situation.


Unlike many services, we perform background checks every year. Every sitter is CPR and First Aid certified and passes all sex offender and national tests.


Our sitters come highly recommended by our network of parents and sitters. Not only do we check their references, but we personally interview every candidate.